Names of SufficiencyEphesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.2Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
*******************************Go Ali The Lord My Redeemer*******************
*******************************Elohi Tsuri My God My Rock********************
*******************************Yahweh Raah The Lord My Shepherd**************
*******************************Yahweh Chelqi The Lord My Portion***************
*******************************El Simchat Gili God My Exceeding Joy**************
We have seen through this study of Knowing God By Name by Mary Kassian that God is God, He is Good, our Creator, Judge, Awesome, Friend, Sufficient.
This week, then we study God's ability to be Our Portion. Yahweh Chelqi The Lord My Portion Psalm 73:25-26 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
God’s Name***********************Means to me*************a Personal statement
Elohei Chasdi ***********************God has loved me even
God My Steadfast Love ***************When I was unlovely,
Ps 59:17 Unto **********************when I thought no one
thee, O my strength,******************loved me, and He will
will I sing:for God is*****************continue to do so
my defence, and the God
of my mercy. *************************************************Robert’s Steadfast Love
Yahweh Ori ***********************Sometimes I have been
The Lord My L:ight *****************blinded by self or others
Ps 18:28For thou God************** has helped me to see
wilt light my candle: the******* ******my path and to avoid the
Lord my God will enlighten***** *****traps of life.
my darkness. *************************************************Robert’s Light
Pele Yo-ets ***********************God has, throughout my life,
Wonderful Counselor ****************enthused me when I was
Ps 73:24Thou discouraged, **********encouraged me
shalt guide me with thy *************when I was afraid, enlightened
counsel, and afterward *************me when I was confused.
receive me to glory. ********************************************Robert's Counselor
Adonai Tiqvati********************God has reminded me of His
The Lord My Hope ****************love when I was lonely, He
Ps 71:5For **********************has helped me to see a bigger
thou art my hope, *****************picture when I thought I was
O Lord God: thou *****************failing, He has given me that
art my trust from my ***************which I needed when I was
youth. ***************************destitute of spirit***************Robert’s Hope
Elohim Ozer Li *********************If I will but humble my
God My Helper ********************brazenness to God's Person,
Ps 54:4Behold, ********************seek after His Will, and
God is mine helper: ****************be thankful to Him in all
the Lord is with them ***************things, then He provides
that uphold my soul., ***************the wherewithal for whatever
46:1 God is our *******************I encounter. Much of this is
refuge and strength,a ******** ******facilitated by fellowship
very present help in ****************within His Body, the Church.
trouble. *******************************************************Robert’s Helper
Yahweh Machsi ********************God has made Himself available
The Lord My Refuge ****************to me, I just need to call on
Ps 61:4I will **********************Him when I have need and His
abide in thy tabernacle **************everpresent, all knowing, all
for ever: I will trust *****************powerful Spirit is my Rock.
in the covert of thy
wings. Selah. ****************************************************Robert’s Refuge
Adonai Tiqvati *********************When I grow weary, or the World
The Lord My Strength ***************begins to pressure me, then God's
Ps 28:7The ***********************resilience will bouy me.
Lord is my strength
and my shield; **************************************************Robert’s Strength
Elohey Kol-Nechamah **************God knows me in and out,
God of All Comfort ****************up and down and round
Ps 71:21Thou ********************about. He is able to
shalt increase my *****************fulfill me.
greatness, and comfort
me on every side. **********************************************Robert’s Comfort
Yahweh Shalom ******************God is bigger than any
The Lord My Peace ***************fear or anxiety or worry
2 Thess 3:16Now ****************that I may have. I can rest
the Lord of peace himself **********assured in His Promise, and
give you peace always by **********Faithfulness!
all means. ****************************************************Robert’s Peace
Yahweh Shomreka ****************God, who is pure, powerful,
The Lord My Keeper **************and kind holds ME in the
Ps 121I Will *********************palm of His Hand.
lift up mine eyes unto the
hills, from whence cometh
my help. My help cometh
from the Lord, which made
heaven and earth. He will
not suffer thy foot to be
moved: he that keepeth thee
will not slumber. Behold,
he that keepeth Israel
shall neither slumber nor
sleep. The Lord is thy
keeper: the Lord is thy
shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite
thee by day, nor the moon
by night. The Lord shall
preserve thee from all
evil: he shall preserve
thy soul.The Lord shall
preserve thy going out
and thy coming in from
this time forth,
and even for evermore. *****************************************Robert’s Keeper
Yahweh Mephalti ******************As I submit that that I
The Lord My Deliverer **************am and have to God, then
Psalms 70 Make ******************God replaces it with the
haste, O God, to deliver ************much better, untarnished
me; make haste to help me, *********gifts which only He is able
O Lord. Let them be ***************to imagine for me.
ashamed and confounded
that seek after my soul:
let them be turned backward,
and put to confusion, that
desire my hurt. Let them be
turned back for a reward of
their shame that say, Aha,
aha. Let all those that
seek thee rejoice and be
glad in thee: and let such
as love thy salvation say
continually, Let God be
magnified. But I am poor
and needy: make haste unto
me, O God: thou art my help
and my deliverer; O Lord,
make no tarrying. **********************************************Robert’s Deliverer
Yahweh Kessel ********************I can rest assured of
The Lord My Confidence *************an ultimate victory for
Prov 3:26For *********************me in God's Kingdom. God
the Lord shall be thy ***************has provided for all con-
confidence, and shall ***************tingencies.
keep thy foot from
being taken. ***************************************************Robert’s Confidence
El Chayyai ***********************Yippee Chayyai Yah!
God of My Life
Ps 42:8Yet the
Lord will command his
lovingkindness in the
daytime, and in the
night his song shall be
with me, and my prayer
unto the God of my life. *****************************************Robert’s Life
I have mixed the presentation of the last two chapters because I see a need in our lives to understand that because of who God is is why He can be so personal to each and every one of us.
This section from the chapter on Sufficiency seems to fit here a little earlier in my presentations to you than in the author’s. But her summary of this section is a good one to consider for the reasons God is Sufficient to those who believe.
All of God’s attributes
**************God is God
***************God is Good
****************God is Power
*****************God is Beneficent Ruler and Righteous Judge
******************God is Awesome
*******************God is Personal
**********************...demonstrate that He is all we need.
This leads us to affirm that God is All In All.
Eph 4:6One God and Father of all, who is above all, and
through all, and in you all.
1:23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may
abound to every good work:
Ps 73:25-26 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none
upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth:
but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
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